WELCOME TO PARIS ! Let me show you the Paris I love ...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Welcome to Paris

I am happy to welcome you to my new blog where, as a real parisienne having lived both in the USA & the UK, I wish to share the PARIS I LOVE with travellers that wish to know more about Paris .... not just the classic tourist guides infos.

Please follow me in the discovery of a new Unvovered Paris where every street reaveals a secret.

I will guide you to my favourite places, restaurants and bars and will share with you all I know and love about this romantic yet exciting and edgy city!

I will also of course let you know all about the current hot stuff happening here, new shops, trends etc.

Paris is all yours ...


Anonymous said...

Hello Caroline and welcome in the wonderful world of blogging!!

Can't wait to read your stuff about this wonderful city. AAAAh Paris, c'est formidable!


Caroline said...

Thank you A ! I will do my best to get you hot tips and advices to make any stay memorable !